C (81/301)

From:Christian Hattemer
Date:02 Aug 99 at 13:16:04
Subject:Re: Building structures dynamically

From: Christian Hattemer <Chris@heaven.riednet.wh.tu-darmstadt.de>

On 02-Aug-99 Allan Odgaard wrote:

>> I'm quite happy with the existing code

> If I've understood you correctly then I doubt you can find a solution
> without changing either your code or your data format - being happy with
> the current situation rarely leads to something new or better ;-)

Ok, I'm happy with the ASCII format, but of course changes to the code will
be done if I find a way to do it... <g>

Bye, Chris

__ /// Amiga 4000T 040/40 Team *AMIGA*
\XX/ http://www.riednet.wh.tu-darmstadt.de/~chris/

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